To Sustainably Power 5% of the
World’s Compute

We are committed to the development and growth of the Cudos ecosystem
through our community of builders and creators

Creating and Expanding the Greater Cudos Ecosystem

The Cudos Foundation serves to facilitate the necessary support and guidance needed to direct the future of the Cudos network and its compute platform. The Foundation will steward the Cudos community towards our mission of providing limitless opportunity to create and monetise decentralised Web3, while empowering over 500 million to participate in a free and open internet.

Uniting Cloud and Blockchain
for a Sustainable Future

The Cudos network bridges the gap between cloud and blockchain by using the world’s spare compute capacity to power a decentralised, sustainable, and connected world.

We’re an interoperable, open platform that will provide the infrastructure required to meet the 1000x greater computing needs for the creation of immersive digital realities of the Web3 era.


Active Validators




Network Users


Active Devices



Commitment to
Sustainability and Humanity


The computational needs of our tech-driven world put an enormous ecological strain on the planet. The inefficient use of the existing computational resources compounds the problem. Our decentralised cloud solution helps the environment by utilizing spare computing resources.

2.2M x

More Efficient than Ethereum


Carbon Neutral Blockchain


People from low-cost energy, low-income developing countries can benefit from our solution. Charities are even able to gather unused devices and donate them to families in these regions to help them generate income.


Raise $1B through
Users Devices


Scaling Beyond
10M Devices

Professional Council

Belvedere Trustees Limited, in association with Hassans International Law Firm Limited, have a strong team of professionals fully qualified to cater for the Cudos Network Foundation’s administrative needs. They are licensed by the Financial Services Commission in Gibraltar to act as professional councillors through the Hassans’ associated company, Line Group Limited and its subsidiaries


Discover the greater Cudos ecosystem through our developer portal, educational guides, technical tools, validator overview, and more.


We fund initiatives that power the development and growth of the Cudos ecosystem, empowering talented teams, developers, and community leaders that are aligned with our vision for a sustainable future.


Get involved with Cudos and make an impact as a developer, stakeholder, community member, or join the team directly as we build the future of decentralised compute.